What have the Romans ever done for us

16 Oct 2018 11:23

King's Year 4 pupils were transported back two millennia as the Junior Department paid tribute to the wonders of Roman civilisation.

The boys and girls have been learning about the Roman Empire's inventiveness both in war and peace for the last six weeks and were posed the question "Romans: Brainy or Brawny?" Pupils came to school dressed as Roman characters and spent the whole day living like real Romans, including making wishes in a special Roman temple and racing chariots.

As John Cleese says in the Life of Brian, "Apart from medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?"

However, as Year 4 Teacher Frances Riley, who staged the Roman Day with fellow teacher Catherine Whelpton, added: "They were also a quite brutal race and we've been learning about the gladiators and their tactics in battle. Earlier this term, we went to Chester for the day to experience what life was like for Roman children and also dressed as Roman soldiers and practised some of the battle formations." She concluded: "The answer is that they were both brainy and brawny."

Pictured at the back are from left to right Catherine Whelpton, Sophia Heywood as Boudica and Frances Riley. At the front are Cosmo Evans as Romulus, Isabella Oakes as a Roman Lady and Joe Joseph as Julius Caesar.

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